My family and I have been watching the series, The Chosen. It is a dramatization on the last few years of Jesus’ life and His ministry. One of the many awesome things I see in the show is the genuine love that Jesus demonstrates for ordinary people.
I watched the episode with the Sermon on the Mount (Mathew 5-7) where He talks about loving your enemy and praying for them. I spend over an hour on the interstate in my commute to work and what I see is not love. Why have people gotten so bitter, so cold?
The very meaning of the word love almost seems tainted in the ease at which it rolls off the tongues with no more meaning than the shadow of a groundhog every February 2. It is used to manipulate and deceive probably as much as it is actually used to show affection these days. I learned a long time ago to be mindful of the good things. I see examples all the time of the good things of God and how the devil constantly tries to twist and pervert them. Take for example the homeless individual on the corner. An individual that at this particular moment is not at the top of their game and needs some help, some compassion. Because of greed and dishonesty, most people just pass them by never looking or giving them a second thought.
You might even find yourself at a point that is not at the top of your game. Maybe life has thrown you a curveball or two. The Bible says in James 1:2 to “count it joy when we go through tests and trials.” I know, that sounds weird. Why would I be happy for my struggle? The scripture is not saying to be happy for your struggle but to be happy in spite of your struggle. When bad things happen in life and those things flood our thoughts, we get sad, upset, or even angry and it pulls us away from God’s best. But when we realize that this thing, whatever it is, is just temporary, and that the sun is going to rise again tomorrow, we can have a smile and better attitude about the day. When we focus on the good things of God and His blessings, it can turn our whole day around. Sometimes we just need to slow down and look around at what we have. When we change our focus, it can change our mood and outlook. When you feel good it’s easier to be kind, and simple kindness to others shows them the love of God.