1 John 4:17 (KJV)
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.
Let me ask you, how do you think Jesus is?
Is He sick? No!
Is He fearful? No!
Is He defeated by the devil? No!
Jesus is victorious!
And as He is—strong, courageous, victorious—so can you be in this world as you are flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Satan has no power over you, the believer. When people see you, they will see Jesus!
Instead of always stumbling or falling, you can be walking just like Jesus walked: in the power and anointing of Almighty God.
Satan worked hard trying to make Jesus stumble and fall when He was here on the earth. He wanted Jesus to strike out in the flesh, but it didn't work. Jesus did strike, but not in the way Satan wanted.
Jesus went after His real enemy, but He did it in the spirit, performing miracle after miracle after miracle. He laid hands on the sick, having compassion on the people and ministering unto them; and He supernaturally fed thousands of men, women and children (Matt. 14:14,21).
That's the way it will be as you receive more revelation of Jesus. You will be able to act just like He did. If you or somebody near you is hurt, you will react in the spirit instead of the flesh, punching out Satan instead of another person.