Have you ever considered your ministry as a GIFT to someone else? In other words, have you ever considered that the fact you're serving where you are presently really has nothing to do with your training, promotion and promotion for Kingdom advancement but rather has everything to do with how you're serving the person over you in the Lord at this present time?
In the Old Testament (Numbers 18) God gave the Levite's help as a gift to Aaron and his sons. The Levites would take care of the details of the Tabernacle and serve as support ministry to the priesthood.
We see a type and foreshadow from the Old Testament Levites to the New Testament Deacons in our Numbers 18. The Levites were set aside for practical ministry. Their ministry was considered a gift to the priesthood, namely Aaron and his sons. They were to help the men of God and take care of all the day-to-day details of the Tabernacle.
Here are some principles that apply to us today as we serve our leaders as a true gift:
Another way to consider this principle is to look at the comparisons of the Old Testament Levites and the Local Church body today.
God selected Moses to lead the Nation of Israel
God selects Senior Pastors to lead local Churches
God selected Aaron to be Moses' assistant/associate
God selects Pastoral Staff to assist Senior Pastors
God selected Levites to serve the Priesthood
God selects Deacons to serve Pastoral Staff/Eldership
God selected the Israelites to support the Priesthood & the Levites
God selects the Congregation to support the entire Church Leadership Team
Now we see the greatest "SUPPORT" Ministry come to play in when Moses went to the top of the Mountain while the nation was at war with Amalek.
Moses raises his ROD over his head (represents his authority). As long as his rod is outstretched, Israel prevailed. However, when his hands began to fall, the Amalekites began to win. So along comes Aaron (represents the Priesthood) and Hur (represents the Laity) and they place a large ROCK (represents Christ) under Moses for him to sit on. Then each of them took a side and held up his arms.
Why didn't God just give Moses supernatural strength to keep his arms lifted? Perhaps to give us an example that we need other people in our lives to help us fulfill our ministry assignment. We all need someone who is "wrapped up in flesh" to come to our aid. This is how God deemed it then and this is how He deems it now.
Ministry was never intended to be performed alone. The leaders who won't let anyone help them become easy targets for the Devil. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.
We are members one another and we need one another to fulfill our Kingdom assignment. YOU ARE A GIFT! Now is the time to begin to develop your support as a gift. Begin by:
Flowing with God's Blueprint.
God has already ordained the Body of Christ to need each other. So get with the program and refuse to be EXCLUSIVE and become INCLUSIVE!
Decide you're going to be part of the solution...not the problem
Which one are you? When you're leader is around you, do you bring them down...or do you build them up? Do you fill them up or do you drain them?
Consider yourself to be a gift.
If you see your ministry as a gift, then you won't be disappointed when you do not receive a thank you or even a returned favor. After all, a gift isn't something you give with hopes to receive something in return.
Link with others who are doing what you're doing.
Just like a chain...each link makes the chain stronger. Start connecting with others who are doing the same thing you're doing and you'll discover even more creative ways to serve your leaders.