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Care PastorsDuane & Missy MasseyEmail
Care Pastors - Duane & Missy Massey

“Care Ministry” is a general name we use to describe several different facets of ministry. Care Ministry includes the following and so much more.

  • First Impressions
    The people that greet you when you enter the church on Sunday morning
  • Missions Correspondence
    Communicating with missionaries that Solid Rock sponsors
  • Benevolence
    Preparing meals for and loving on families that are grieving a loved one’s passing
  • The Prayer Chain
    An organized communication to alert church members of prayer needs and praise reports
  • Hospitality
    Events geared around food and designed to engage new guests and regular members alike
  • Family Impressions
    Events that are geared toward men’s, women’s, and family fellowship

The purpose of the Care Ministries is to cultivate value for each individual and family beyond just the typical Sunday morning service.